What is my purpose?

Do you know what gives your life meaning? This is not always an easy question to answer. Where do we find purpose?

What is my purpose?
Thank you to Mike Medaglia (mikemedaglia.com) for the beautiful illustration.

Do you know what gives your life meaning? This is not always an easy question to answer. Where do we find purpose?

Some may spend much of their lives searching only to realize meaning and purpose was right there all along. For me, I’ve learned the hard way that it’s definitely not “out there” somewhere.

We already have the answers. Often they are just covered up or locked inside. We must begin to open our hearts despite the fear, pain, regret, and other defenses that we’ve been piling on.

When we practice vulnerability by showing up and being seen, flaws and all, the universe has a way of putting us just where we need to be.

The answers will reveal themselves the more we reveal of ourselves.