Be here. Now.

We tend to avoid thinking about the end of our physical lives on this Earth. We also tend toward grasping anything that may extend our…

Be here. Now.

We tend to avoid thinking about the end of our physical lives on this Earth. We also tend toward grasping anything that may extend our "expiration date," understandably. I ask you not to dwell on anything, but simply consider, we also don't know when that day will come.

The truth is, it could be decades, years, months, even days from now. We can't even predict the next 5 minutes. So, I challenge you to ask yourself some questions. What am I doing with my life? What can I take with me when I go? What do I want to leave?

The one thing that we do know for sure, is that we are alive right now. At this moment we have the power to choose how we want to spend the next 5 minutes. So, am I doing something that is in line with my desired legacy? Am I behaving in a way that will bring me happiness or am I causing further suffering for myself and others? What are my values? Am I living in accordance with those values? Am I practicing the things that I wish for? Love, acceptance, forgiveness, empathy, friendship, honesty?

And, if we are being honest with ourselves, we do not know what happens after. Sure we all have our own beliefs and ideas, hopes and wishes, but the reality is nobody knows for sure and that's okay. But if all we are certain of is the now, let's live now. Don't wait until you retire to be happy. Do today that thing that you keep thinking "one day" or "someday" about. If that's not feasible, at least set the intention and begin working towards it.

Set realistic goals, know that you can achieve them, and then live today. Practice all those things that you value. Rekindle that friendship that you've been missing. Take that class that will help you learn that skill. Call up that relative and tell them how you feel.

But, don't focus on "doing" so much that you forget about "being". Be happy now. Love yourself today, just as you are. Forgive yourself. Cultivate that love you've been searching for. It's already there, inside you. Be love.

Be here. Now.

I wish you all the happiness, peace, and love that you desire. I promise you it is available for all of us. And there's plenty to go around.

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Peace & Love,
